Kaeser charging park, Coburg
Kaeser charging park, Coburg
MU 11, Freiburg
Foot and cycle path bridge Riese & Müller, Mühltal
Foot and cycle path bridge Riese & Müller, Mühltal
Underground station Fraunhoferstraße, Munich
Underground station Fraunhoferstraße, Munich
Check-in in the change in Terminal 1, Frankfurt Airport
Check-in in the change in Terminal 1, Frankfurt Airport
City entrance, Wiesbaden
Mobility and interaction spaces, Gemeinde Eichenzell
Mobility and interaction spaces, Gemeinde Eichenzell
Highwalk, Bendorf
Great Weser Bridge, Bremen
Great Weser Bridge, Bremen
Martin-Niemöller-Schule, Wiesbaden
Martin-Niemöller-Schule, Wiesbaden
regiomove, Middle Upper Rhine Region and Karlsruhe
regiomove, Middle Upper Rhine Region and Karlsruhe
Highrise Marienplatz, Darmstadt
Highrise Marienplatz, Darmstadt
Marienplatz, Darmstadt
Cuno-Raabe-School, Fulda
Development study Nördliche Rheinstrasse, Darmstadt
Development study Nördliche Rheinstrasse, Darmstadt
Skyper, Frankfurt am Main
Skyper, Frankfurt am Main
Foot and cycle path bridge, Ravensburg
Foot and cycle path bridge, Ravensburg
Elly Heuss Knapp School, Darmstadt
Elly Heuss Knapp School, Darmstadt
Brainergy Hub, Jülich
IBA27 Stadtregion Stuttgart `Postareal´, Böblingen
IBA27 Stadtregion Stuttgart `Postareal´, Böblingen
Cycle path bridge, Landau
Paliplatz, Darmstadt
Landmark turbine factory, Mannheim
Landmark turbine factory, Mannheim
Cycle and footbridge, Darmstadt
Cycle and footbridge, Darmstadt
Pedestrian and cyclist bridge Entenwerder, Hamburg
Pedestrian and cyclist bridge Entenwerder, Hamburg
Laagberg Memorial and Learning Center, Wolfsburg
Laagberg Memorial and Learning Center, Wolfsburg
Energetic conversion of the customer hall of Sparkasse, Aschaffenburg
Energetic conversion of the customer hall of Sparkasse, Aschaffenburg
Cluster 7, Darmstadt
Cycle and footbridge, Reutlingen
Cycle and footbridge, Reutlingen
Seminar building, Bochum
Cycle and footbridge Lindemannstrasse, Dortmund
Cycle and footbridge Lindemannstrasse, Dortmund, Dortmund
The Fifth Facade, Zurich Airport
The Fifth Facade, Zurich Airport
U4-Subway Stops Horner Geest, Hamburg
U4-Subway Stops Horner Geest, Hamburg
Visitor Center Mathildenhöhe, Darmstadt
Visitor Center Mathildenhöhe, Darmstadt
Daycare center Ruthsenbach, Darmstadt
Daycare center Ruthsenbach, Darmstadt
Residential building Pankratiusstrasse, Darmstadt
Residential building Pankratiusstrasse, Darmstadt
Konrad-Adenauer-Square, Düsseldorf
Konrad-Adenauer-Square, Düsseldorf
Schmitt + Söhne, Unterschleissheim
Schmitt + Söhne, Unterschleissheim
Washingtonsquare, Darmstadt
Washingtonsquare, Darmstadt
U5 subway stop Steilshoop, Hamburg
U5 subway stop Steilshoop, Hamburg
Smart woodland district Cambrai-Fritsch, Darmstadt
Smart woodland district Cambrai-Fritsch, Darmstadt
Gerhart-Hauptmann-School, Heilbronn
Gerhart-Hauptmann-School, Heilbronn
Heidelberg Convention Center, Heidelberg
Heidelberg Convention Center, Heidelberg
Underground stops U5-East, Hamburg
Underground stops U5-East, Hamburg
Weiherhof Nord, Konstanz
Raiffeisengelände, Feldkirchen
Raiffeisen Site, Feldkirchen
Secondary School, Dülmen
Rhineland Regional Council, Köln
Rhineland Regional Council, Köln
Underpass Marchivum, Mannheim
Underpass Marchivum, Mannheim
Arrival, Terminal 1, Frankfurt am Main
Arrival, Terminal 1, Frankfurt am Main
Energy Accumulator, Heidelberg
Energy Accumulator, Heidelberg
Robert-Blum-School, Frankfurt am Main
Robert-Blum-School, Frankfurt am Main
Exhibition „Kontinuum und Schnitt“, Berlin
Exhibition „Kontinuum und Schnitt“, Berlin
Das Projekt Wehrhahnlinie, Düsseldorf
Wehrhahn Line, Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf
Wehrhahn Line Kirchplatz subway station, Düsseldorf
Wehrhahn Line Kirchplatz subway station, Düsseldorf
Wehrhahn Line Graf-Adolf-Platz subway station, Düsseldorf
Wehrhahn Line Graf-Adolf-Platz subway station, Düsseldorf
Wehrhahn Line Benrather Strasse subway station, Düsseldorf
Wehrhahn Line Benrather Strasse subway station, Düsseldorf
Wehrhahn Line Heinrich-Heine-Allee subway station, Düsseldorf
Wehrhahn Line Heinrich-Heine-Allee subway station, Düsseldorf
Wehrhahn Line Schadowstrasse subway station, Düsseldorf
Wehrhahn Line Schadowstrasse subway station, Düsseldorf
Wehrhahn Line Pempelforter Strasse subway station, Düsseldorf
Wehrhahn Line Pempelforter Strasse subway station, Düsseldorf
Station square and central bus station, Dinslaken
Station square and central bus station, Dinslaken
Central Bus Station Freiheitsplatz, Hanau
Central Bus Station Freiheitsplatz, Hanau
Fichte High School, Karlsruhe
Fichte High School, Karlsruhe
Goldbeck, Bielefeld
Community and day care center, Mannheim
Community and day care center, Mannheim
Franco-German Community law firm, Khartum, Sudan
Franco-German Community law firm, Khartum, Sudan
German School of the Borromeans, Alexandria, Ägypten
German School of the Borromeans, Alexandria, Ägypten
Community Center of the Emmaus congregation, Heidelberg
Community Center of the Emmaus congregation, Heidelberg
Antonite quarters, Köln
Wilhelminenquarter, Darmstadt
Wilhelminenquarter, Darmstadt
Faculty for mechanical engineering and electrical engineering, Gießen
Faculty for mechanical engineering and electrical engineering, Gießen
Protestant Church, Schriesheim
Protestant Church, Schriesheim
Sports and cultural hall, Lützelsachsen
Sports and cultural hall, Lützelsachsen
Oderbridges, Küstrin
German School, Bilbao, Spanien
German School, Bilbao, Spanien
House B, Darmstadt
Gries Deco Company, Niedernberg
Gries Deco Company, Niedernberg
Evangelical Church, Altenbach
Evangelical Church, Altenbach
Campus, Selm
Konica Minolta, Heusenstamm
Konica Minolta, Heusenstamm
New residential district, Unterbach
New residential district, Unterbach
Ludwig-Schwamb-School, Darmstadt
Ludwig-Schwamb-School, Darmstadt
Community Center St. Gallus, Urberach
Community Center St. Gallus, Urberach
200 μ, Frankfurt am Main
Residential and nursing home, Mannheim
Residential and nursing home, Mannheim
Railway Bridge Weiherfeldstraße, Karlsruhe
Railway Bridge Weiherfeldstraße, Karlsruhe
Two educational hospitals in Mosul and Nadjaf, Mosul, Nadjaf, Irak
Two educational hospitals in Mosul and Nadjaf, Mosul, Nadjaf, Irak
Living by the park, Darmstadt
Living by the park, Darmstadt
Noise Barrier, Mannheim
Protestant community center, Malsch
Protestant community center, Malsch
Turley Area, Mannheim
Administration building Gries Deco Company, Niedernberg
Administration building Gries Deco Company, Niedernberg
Convention and Conference Center 'Stadthalle', Karlsruhe
Convention and Conference Center ‘Stadthalle’, Karlsruhe
House J, Hofheim im Taunus
House J, Hofheim im Taunus
Stations for a new high-speed line, El Bayadh, Algerien
Stations for a new high-speed line, El Bayadh, Algerien
City Railway Stops, Mannheim
City Railway Stops, Mannheim
Community Center, Frankfurt am Main
Community Center, Frankfurt am Main
Lechsteg, Landsberg am Lech
Lechsteg, Landsberg am Lech
Church Portal, Walldorf